Spending time with relatives over the holiday period has inspired today’s focus.
After driving to see my husband’s family on Christmas Day morning, we then bedded in at home for a few days with my mum and her dog. We wined, dined, pulled crackers, played games, completed jigsaw puzzles, went on long walks, watched movies, relaxed in the hot tub and listened to music.
On the 30th December though, a complete change of scenery beckoned. My family along with my daughter’s partner, made the trip over to Sweden to be with my cousin’s family to welcome in the new year.
My cousin and I have spent many NYE celebrations together over the decades and very much enjoy one another’s company. This year was to be no exception. We managed to recreate the fond memories we shared as teenagers together. This time it was with our own teenage children and partners.
Ten of us gathered to create new moments which I know we will each treasure for years to come. We played with the dog on the windy, wintry beach, walked in the wet, dark woods and even swam in the sea, those who were brave enough to, that is!
We spent time in the kitchen preparing delicious meals, time around the table reflecting on the year past and the year to come, time playing games and singing. All time well spent!
These are perfect examples of the moments that I live for. These are the relationships that truly make my heart sing. These are the key pieces that go towards completing the jigsaw of life. To be able to share moments of wonder, joy, happiness and love with those who are special to me is, I believe, critical to living with purpose.
Relationships are built over time. They require your effort, your love and your attention. What you put into a relationship is what you get back and yet you also get so much more which is immeasurable.
Relationships are shaped by the experiences you have with others. Without other people and the wonderful relationships you form with them, the world can be a lonely place. Nurture key relationships to live with purpose.
Focus on Relationships!
ACTION POINT - As we start 2023, what relationships will you be building, nurturing and developing this year? Who will you choose to give your gift of your time?