As I gather more research for the book I am currently writing I was flicking through some old photos, memories and mementos I had kept safe. Amongst various essays, school reports and letters, I found a poem that I had written when I was just thirteen years old back in May 1988. I didn't give it a title but it is relevant for today's focus on friends.
Everyone has a friend or two,
I've got one and so have you,
I'm a friend to someone else,
It seems funny to be a friend myself.
Without a friend I'd be all alone,
I'd have to sit all day on my own.
I'd have no-one to talk to, nothing to do,
So I'm glad I've got a friend. Aren't you?
Yes, I am. Super grateful to be surrounded by so many wonderful friends and I was reminded of this on Wednesday this week when I went for dinner with four of my closest friends. We had a fabulous time sharing delicious plates of food and diving into different topics of conversation.
All these years later I still recognise the importance of being a friend and having friends. How about you? Are you being a good friend?
Focus on Friends!
ACTION POINT - You have to be a friend to have a friend. Who will you be a good friend to today?