I am away from home this week back in my home town of Stratford-upon-Avon to support my mum who has just had hip replacement surgery. She is making a steady recovery describing the pain she is experiencing as ‘healing’ pain which is a great reframe showing a really positive mindset.
Sitting in the ward by my mum, observing all the astonishing hospital workers scurrying about attending to the patients who need their constant care, it reminds me just how fragile we as humans can be. However, what I also see is the incredible strength that sits alongside this fragility.
Yes, at times as humans, we can be fragile, easily hurt or broken physically or emotionally when facing tough times seeing our dreams shattered and feeling defeated. However, it is that inner strength, courage and passion for living that enables us to face these challenges and hardships. Through collaboration, love and purpose, it is possible to learn from these difficult experiences and come out stronger than ever before.
Strength lies within fragility. In a few weeks’ time my mum will be more mobile and stronger than she has been for years freeing up what she will be capable of doing. That ‘healing’ pain becomes tolerable knowing that she will very soon be able to do so much more. A different future filled with possibility now beckons. Exciting times.
Focus on Fragility. Focus on WHY!
ACTION POINT - In moments of fragility where can you identify strength?